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Day 2, Journal Entry 2

Data entry, BLEH. Remember when I said earlier that part of my job was to convince people to sign up for the raffle. What that meant was I was convincing people to write their email address down on a sheet of paper to sign up for the urban air market newsletter. I managed to single handedly get over 60 emails (that beat their previous record for an event this size twice over). What I didn’t know at the time was that I would be entering every name and email address into a spreadsheet by hand, and you know how much I LOVE spreadsheets (that was sarcasm). right now i'm taking a break after spending 2 hours entering names and email addresses (half an hour of that had to have been just looking up names trying to figure out the right spelling). God some of these people have horrible handwriting.

Day 3, Journal Entry 3

So my previous break ended up lasting 2 days, but I finally finished entering every Fleurette, Kica, and Viktoriya (I had some really interesting names). I found the most useful thing for me was realizing that because I made sure to talk to and connect with everyone who signed up I remembered everyone's faces. I couldn't always pull up a face for every name but I could look up a rough spelling of their name and then look through facebook until I saw a face I recognized. That saved me so much time and effort. Now I just have to share the Google document with Danielle (my boss) and I am done with data entry... for now...

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